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免费 MetalVPS Intel i9-13900 传统 Shell 帐户! 制作您自己的 VPS!

  • @freemjj #4

    Hello @freemjj!

    Sorry, I do not understand.

    也许您的 ssh 密钥可以改进?
    Perhaps your ssh key could be improved?

    请分享一些关于您自己的详细信息以及您想在 MetalVPS 服务器上做什么。
    Please share a few details about yourself and what you want to so on the MetalVPS server.

    Thank you!

    Best wishes and kindest regards,


  • @Not-Oles #11 Don't say sorry, you didn't do anything wrong. You give us free servers, we should thank you, not you apologize to us.

  • @Not-Oles #9
    Thank you Tom, I think I'm still new to programming. I have a small ubuntu server in my bedroom, if possible, I would like to use vps with it to help people like me solve some network problems.



    感谢您的请求! 欢迎使用 MetalVPS!
    Thanks for your request! Welcome to MetalVPS!

    Please try:

    ssh [email protected] -p 42365

    Kindly post your questions and your progress reports here in this thread so everyone has a chance to answer your questions and to learn from your experience.

    您会在服务器上发现一些仍然需要配置的东西。 我会很高兴得到你的帮助!
    You will find some things on the server which still need to be configured. I will be glad to receive help from you!

    I wish you the best! It will be great to have you as a neighbor!


  • @Not-Oles #11

    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILuliIh7bgA34sGeRuCBcgEXhURBTzlilzZYHpFnN1TY admin@admin

  • @kia #13

    Hi @kia!

    Please try ssh [email protected] -p 42365. Please post here about your progress and about your questions. I think it is important for you to read and understand the thread at Low End Spirit. But you have wonderful English which makes it easier when the original is in English.

    请尝试 ssh [email protected] -p 42365。 请在此处发布您的进度和问题。 我认为阅读和理解 [Low End Spirit 的线程](https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/5754/free-metalvps-intel-i9-13900-traditional-shell-account-make -your-own-vpses/p1) 但你的英语很棒,当原文是英文时,这会更容易。

    Best wishes and kindest regards,


  • Damn, I was rejected.

  • @knja #2

    Hello, I am MJJ.

    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHTAULyb+6XsnDqok++oOC3bffWyoy03u4DckosLPjE0 noname

    An MJJ can be fast! You were first to post! So you are fast and first! 😃

    @knja #8

    Can you tell us more about your Linux command line experience and what you want to do with your MetalVPS server?

    @Not-Oles #7 Play, probably idle most of the time, like most people.

    Maybe you are more honest than most people. At least, you are not trying to convince me of some bright future which might not come true. 😃

    By the way, how long is this server valid?

    If you read the Low End Spirit description of the server it says, "Please think of your MetalVPS account as ephemeral! It might blow up! We or you might reinstall the Node! 🤦‍♂️" Nevertheless, I hope I will be lucky enough to have a wonderful server for many years, throughout which I hope you and I will remain friends and learn very much from each other. 😃

    @knja 10

    @Not-Oles #9 No, I have not [studied programming.]

    Well, I have not studied Chinese very much. 😃

    @knja #12

    @Not-Oles #11 Don't say sorry, you didn't do anything wrong. You give us free servers, we should thank you, not you apologize to us.

    Thank you for your correction! I appreciate it! I will try carefully to avoid apologizing too much! 😃

    I wish you the best! ❤️


    P.S. Oh! I almost forgot! 😃 Please try ssh [email protected] -p 42365. 😃 Please post very often here in this thread about your adventures on the server, your accomplishments there, and also your questions.

  • @knja #17

    Damn, I was rejected.

    I was typing your acceptance message while you were cursing your rejection. 😃

    You know, I am very slow. Please always give me extra time. ❤️

  • @freemjj #4

    I6JskG2fT1uHI8HlGq+vIxQgJPA7WqobjNvoY3qYaLk admin

    @Not-Oles #11

    Hello @freemjj!

    Sorry, I do not understand.

    也许您的 ssh 密钥可以改进?
    Perhaps your ssh key could be improved?

    请分享一些关于您自己的详细信息以及您想在 MetalVPS 服务器上做什么。
    Please share a few details about yourself and what you want to so on the MetalVPS server.

    Thank you!

    Best wishes and kindest regards,


    @freemjj #15

    @Not-Oles #11

    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILuliIh7bgA34sGeRuCBcgEXhURBTzlilzZYHpFnN1TY admin@admin

    Hello @freemjj!

    Please try ssh [email protected] -p 42365.

    I made an account for you! Welcome to MetalVPS! I am looking forward to your posts here in this thread about what you are doing on the server, your successes, your failures, and your questions. I hope you will reply to help other people when they ask questions.

    It would be really great if you kindly would post a few details about yourself and what you want to do on the MetalVPS server.

    I wish you the best! It will be great to have you as a neighbor! ❤️






