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免费 MetalVPS Intel i9-13900 传统 Shell 帐户! 制作您自己的 VPS!

Free MetalVPS Intel i9-13900 Traditional Shell Account! Make Your Own VPSes!


亲爱的 Nodeseek 朋友们
Dear Nodeseek friends,

中文很烂! 我必须使用谷歌翻译!
My Chinese is very bad! I have to use Google Translate!

你们中的许多人都很聪明,也很努力。 可以邀请你们中的一些人来我在 Hetzner 的服务器上玩。免费。 自由的。
Many of you are very smart and very hard working. Some of you can be invited to come and play on a server I have at Hetzner. No charge. Free.

如果我们以与上面链接的 Low End Spirit 线程相同的方式使用 Nodeseek 上的线程,也许 Lloyd 不会介意?
Maybe Lloyd will not mind if we use the thread here at Nodeseek in the same way as the Low End Spirit thread linked above?

为了给你你的免费帐户,请发帖介绍你自己。 还请发布您的 ed25519 ssh 公钥。
To give you your free account, please post introducing yourself. Please also post your ed25519 ssh public key.

也许,如果他们有时间,@zudaz 和@iaecm 和其他人可以帮助沟通吗?
Maybe, if they have time, @zudaz and @iaecm and others could please help with communication?

只需几个帐户即可开始。 不多,请。
Just a few accounts to start. Not many, please.

Thank you!

Best wishes and kindest regards,


  • @Just纱世里 #1

    Hello @Just纱世里!

    谢谢你的留言! 非常感谢您的帮助和支持!
    Thank you for your kind message! Your help and support is much appreciated!

    Your account has been provisioned. Please try
    您的帐户已配置。 请尝试

    ssh [email protected] -p 42365

    You can check my work:

    root@fsn /home/justsayori # ls -alR
    total 28
    drwx------  3 justsayori justsayori 4096 Apr 20 21:55 .
    drwxr-xr-x 15 root       root       4096 Apr 20 21:53 ..
    -rw-r--r--  1 justsayori justsayori  220 Apr 20 21:53 .bash_logout
    -rw-r--r--  1 justsayori justsayori 3526 Apr 20 21:53 .bashrc
    -rw-r--r--  1 justsayori justsayori    0 Apr 20 21:53 .cloud-locale-test.skip
    -rw-------  1 justsayori justsayori   17 Apr 20 21:55 password
    -rw-r--r--  1 justsayori justsayori  807 Apr 20 21:53 .profile
    drwx------  2 justsayori justsayori 4096 Apr 20 21:56 .ssh
    total 12
    drwx------ 2 justsayori justsayori 4096 Apr 20 21:56 .
    drwx------ 3 justsayori justsayori 4096 Apr 20 21:55 ..
    -rw------- 1 justsayori justsayori  106 Apr 20 21:57 authorized_keys
    root@fsn /home/justsayori # cat .ssh/authorized_keys 
    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIE7g3JcRjnTzEB3NVA7xCbMAmiVD8c/6tUM1Dr6o6CaK marionic@HASEE-230414W10
    root@fsn /home/justsayori # usermod -aG kvm justsayori
    root@fsn /home/justsayori # 

    If you kindly post your questions and your progress reports here in this thread, then everyone can help answer your questions and also be inspired by your progress!

    感谢您加入 MetalVPS! 也许你会在服务器上找到纱世里! 😃
    Thank you for joining MetalVPS! Maybe you will find Sayori on the server! 😃

    Best wishes and kindest regards,


  • @knja #2

    Hello, I am MJJ.

    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHTAULyb+6XsnDqok++oOC3bffWyoy03u4DckosLPjE0 noname

    An MJJ can be fast! You were first to post! So you are fast and first! 😃

    @knja #8

    Can you tell us more about your Linux command line experience and what you want to do with your MetalVPS server?

    @Not-Oles #7 Play, probably idle most of the time, like most people.

    Maybe you are more honest than most people. At least, you are not trying to convince me of some bright future which might not come true. 😃

    By the way, how long is this server valid?

    If you read the Low End Spirit description of the server it says, "Please think of your MetalVPS account as ephemeral! It might blow up! We or you might reinstall the Node! 🤦‍♂️" Nevertheless, I hope I will be lucky enough to have a wonderful server for many years, throughout which I hope you and I will remain friends and learn very much from each other. 😃

    @knja 10

    @Not-Oles #9 No, I have not [studied programming.]

    Well, I have not studied Chinese very much. 😃

    @knja #12

    @Not-Oles #11 Don't say sorry, you didn't do anything wrong. You give us free servers, we should thank you, not you apologize to us.

    Thank you for your correction! I appreciate it! I will try carefully to avoid apologizing too much! 😃

    I wish you the best! ❤️


    P.S. Oh! I almost forgot! 😃 Please try ssh [email protected] -p 42365. 😃 Please post very often here in this thread about your adventures on the server, your accomplishments there, and also your questions.

  • @knja #17

    Damn, I was rejected.

    I was typing your acceptance message while you were cursing your rejection. 😃

    You know, I am very slow. Please always give me extra time. ❤️

  • 你好!

    截至目前,所有询问的人都收到了一个 MetalVPS 帐户。 我可以建议我们暂停添加新帐户,以便我们了解一切进展情况吗? 我特别好奇每个人都在这里发帖的想法是否可行。

    如果你迟到了,但想要一个帐户,请询问。 暂停只是意味着在配置其他帐户之前可能需要很短的时间。 如果您有紧急要求,也许我们可以破例。

    感谢 Nodeseek 的每一个人,尤其要感谢新的 MetalVPSians!

    最好的! ❤️



    As of now everyone who has asked has received a MetalVPS account. May I please suggest that we briefly pause adding new accounts so we can see how everything goes? I am especially curious whether the idea of everyone posting here in this thread will work, or not.

    If you are late to the party, but want an account, please ask. The pause just means it might be a brief time before additional accounts are provisioned. If you have an urgent request, maybe we can make an exception.

    Thanks to everyone here at Nodeseek, and thanks especially to the new MetalVPSians!

    Best! ❤️


  • Sounds good!
    I don't have LES account, If post in this thread works too...

    English:(Used Google Translation too)
    In my spare time, I like to study VPS, explore various functions, especially routing and switching, and enjoy the fun of data packets flowing between computers. My username is "Just Sayori". This name comes from a character in Doki Doki Literature Club!. I like her very much! Ehehe~

    The Internet in China is cens0red. We need to use encryption and camouflage to connect to the VPS to browse websites that cannot be accessed in China. To this day, the two sides are still fighting. Therefore, for Chinese people, it is almost essential to install software such as v2ray on each VPS; however, the traffic usage will be very reasonable-because I have other VPSs of my own.

    I want to try more than one public network IPv4, so that the client can access the Internet without NAT. I am currently testing these methods (because it costs a lot of money to have my own ASN and public network IP...)

    As you can see, I'm also a Nodeseek admin for being active on the VPS forum and willing to help others. From a certain point of view, my behavior will represent the entire forum, so I will use it reasonably, and will not lose the face of Nodeseek or even the Chinese.

    I hereby guarantee that fair use.
    I will NOT be used to launch cyber attacks, download pirated content, build unpopular websites (such as gambling, pornography, and scams), etc.

    Finally, a big thank you to your team for their willingness to provide spare computing resources! It took a lot of guts to make this step (because there is so much abuse), but it did!

    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIE7g3JcRjnTzEB3NVA7xCbMAmiVD8c/6tUM1Dr6o6CaK marionic@HASEE-230414W10

  • Hello, I am MJJ.

    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHTAULyb+6XsnDqok++oOC3bffWyoy03u4DckosLPjE0 noname

  • Hi,Tom.
    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINlL1+DNXrjCXY1QEpuJyuD6HAWwrak8LsjHAEERBrlL one@one

  • hello!
    I6JskG2fT1uHI8HlGq+vIxQgJPA7WqobjNvoY3qYaLk admin

  • HI, Tom, I'm Akebi Nukui, I have an account on LES, but there is only one post about webhorizon on the LES forum, so I dont want post the account.
    If possible, I hope to have the opportunity to try this vps. I often discuss VPS and some network tools and some uncommon network usage on the NS forum.

    ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBP7BxfNDpnK6sav3qW3eSR28voPTtbvl8hmPPaiq86S


  • @knja #2

    Hello @knja!

    感谢您的留言! 您能否与我们分享更多关于您的 Linux 命令行体验以及您想在 MetalVPS 服务器上做什么?
    Thank you for your message! Would you kindly share more with us about your Linux command line experience and about what you want to do on the MetalVPS server?

    Best wishes and kindest regards,


  • @Not-Oles #7 Play, probably idle most of the time, like most people. By the way, how long is this server valid?

  • @kia #3


    你看起来是个好人,我猜 Sayori 会很高兴在 MetalVPS 服务器上见到你。 😃
    You seem like a nice guy, and I suspect that Sayori would be glad to meet you on the MetalVPS server. 😃

    May I please ask, have you studied programming?

    Best wishes and kindest regards,


  • @Not-Oles #9 No, I have not.




