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史上最强,支持 Debian 12 raid 0 Ubuntu 24.04(测试中);512MB 内存安装 AlmaLinux/RockyLinux;CentOS 9 Fedora 39 AlpineLinux Kali Linux Windows 重装程序功能更新、bug反馈贴(长期更新)

  • From Google Translate!


    Hetzner 针对我的请求向我发送了额外回复。 他们似乎愿意给我第二个主要机器人帐户。 第二个主要帐户可以与一个或两个额外的人共享。 其他人员可以从第二个主帐户发起支持请求,从而访问 KVM 控制台。


    将您精彩的脚本移植到专用服务器的进展如何? 您希望如何继续与 Hetzner 合作? “明确的合同协议”的条款可能包括哪些内容?


    English original:


    Hetzner sent me an additional response to my request. They seem willing to give me a second primary Robot account. The second primary account could be shared with one or maybe two additional people. The additional people could initiate support requests from the second primary account and thereby access the KVM Console.

    Hetzner suggested having a clear contractual agreement covering possible uses of the second primary account.

    How are things going on porting your wonderful script to a dedicated server? How might you like to proceed with Hetzner? What might be included in the terms of the "clear contractual agreement?"

    Best wishes!

  • 请支持红帽,听说个人可以免费用

  • Arch Linux,Gentoo Linux,Slackware Linux可以考虑支持一下

  • @Not-Oles #261 raid for Debian 12, Redhat series are all succeed, you can connect to the server by using default password and reinstall to any other systems that raid recipes are supported, thank you for providing machine for me to help me finished all the tests.

  • @nodevps #262 我们的关系是平等的,你不是我的上司,请不要用“请”来命令我去做什么事,raid分区已经支持红帽系,多一份适配,就要费更大功夫,精力有限,短时间内不会再添加对其他系统的支持,除非向我付费。

  • @leitbogioro #265
    5k够不够 xhj023

  • @leitbogioro #264

    From Google Translate:

    哇! 伟大的!

    在 https://github.com/leitbogioro/Tools/commit/b8a10c22a9effa252755591a94acbe806163becc 每个人都可以看到 RAID 相关的更改,从第 624 行到第 775 行左右。

    在 https://github.com/leitbogioro/Tools/commit/14265df15d0c4acd0446fcee1d3e219bcfb31759 的第 1838 行中,有与解决 Grub 安装错误相关的评论,您在 https://www.nodeseek.com/post-9383 上发布了该错误的屏幕截图 -26#259。

    不久之后,我将在几台裸机服务器上尝试该脚本,包括一台带有 SSD 磁盘的服务器和另一台带有 NVMe 磁盘的服务器。


    English original:

    Wow! Great!

    At https://github.com/leitbogioro/Tools/commit/b8a10c22a9effa252755591a94acbe806163becc everyone can see RAID related changes from about line 624 to about line 775.

    In line 1838 of https://github.com/leitbogioro/Tools/commit/14265df15d0c4acd0446fcee1d3e219bcfb31759 there is your comment related to resolving the Grub install error for which you posted a screenshot at https://www.nodeseek.com/post-9383-26#259.

    Before too long I will try the script on several bare metal servers including one with SSD disks and another with NVMe disks.

    Thank you again for all of your work!

  • @Not-Oles #267 It's so kind of you that you read my code!

    Yes, the former commit was to remove the GPT partition method for BIOS firmware raid for avoiding grub installation to meet a fatal. The nearly commit was to add raid 0 1 5 6 10 recipes for CentOS AlmaLinux RockyLinux and Fedora and fixed some bugs.

    You can just assign -raid "raid level" when execute the script for example raid 0:

    bash InstallNET.sh -debian 12 -raid "0"
    bash InstallNET.sh -centos 9 -raid "0"
    bash InstallNET.sh -alma 9 -raid "0"
    bash InstallNET.sh -rocky 9 -raid "0"
    bash InstallNET.sh -fedora 38 -raid "0"

  • @leitbogioro #268

    From Google Translate

    在第一次尝试运行脚本之前,我阅读(“浏览”)了整个脚本。 所以现在我正在关注最近的变化。

    我还不太明白,但是为了学习,必须尝试。 😃

    这是一个巨大而复杂的问题,你和你的前辈们一直在努力解决这个问题。 制作一个可以提供多种操作系统和多种环境选择的脚本并不容易。 但是,正如您在 README.md 中所解释的,许多提供商没有提供足够的操作系统选择,并且许多操作系统不再提供命令行安装程序。

    将您的脚本与 debi.sh 和 depenguin.me 进行比较很有趣。 以及 Hetzner 的安装映像。 以及只需将安装程序添加到第一个硬盘驱动器的人

    恭喜! 解决如此巨大的问题,充分赞扬前辈,将所有内容开源,造福全世界社区——所有这些都是令人瞩目的成就。

    English original

    I read ("skimmed") the entire script before I tried running it the first time. So now I am looking at the recent changes.

    I do not understand very much yet, but, in order to learn, one has to try. 😃

    It is a huge and complex problem that you and your predecessors who worked on your script have tried to solve. Making one script which gives a choice of multiple operating systems and multiple environments isn't easy. But, as you explain in your README.md, many providers do not offer enough operating system choices and many operating systems no longer provide command line installers.

    It is interesting to compare your script with debi.sh and with depenguin.me. And with Hetzner's installimage. And with people who just dd the installer to first hard drive.

    Congratulations! To tackle such huge problems, to give full credit to your predecessors, to publish everything as open source so as to benefit the community worldwide -- all these are notable achievements.

  • 支持 xhj006




