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接上贴 什么样的vps测评是优质测评贴,根据大家的建议可以搞一个聚合脚本,直接输出排版好的markdown格式,方便粘贴。想了下这东西应该不难写,就直接手撸了一个。目前脚本自动测试的内容基本满足我的需求,后续有其他需求可以再补充完善。



  • 一键自动测试Yabs,三网线路,区域解锁等功能
  • 自动输出为markdown文件,方便论坛粘贴
  • 自动传输到粘贴板,方便直接复制为markdown格式


bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LloydAsp/NodeBench/main/NodeBench.sh)



  • ping.pe网络波动测试
  • 注明机房测试ip,方便读者自测ping值
  • 主观的一些评价,比如商家历史,性价比,适合用做什么服务,和其他商家的横向对比
  • 油管网速测试





  • 绑定 xhj003

  • 怎么测试非常缓慢。跟卡住了一样

  • 点赞👍

  • xhj003

  • nice

  • 这个不错

  • 小反馈:Vps应该全部大写吧,根据文章格式,专有名词缩写……诶嘿嘿,文学部员后遗症~



    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2023-04-23                    #
    # https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    2023年 07月 07日 星期五 12:12:22 CST
    Basic System Information:
    Uptime     : 0 days, 15 hours, 10 minutes
    Processor  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz
    CPU cores  : 1 @ 2799.998 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
    RAM        : 459.6 MiB
    Swap       : 1023.0 MiB
    Disk       : 18.6 GiB
    Distro     : Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
    Kernel     : 6.4.1
    VM Type    : KVM
    IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ✔ Online
    IPv4 Network Information:
    ISP        : Multacom Corporation
    Host       : Multacom Corporation
    Location   : Hickam Field, Hawaii (HI)
    Country    : United States
    Preparing system for disk tests...
    Generating fio test file...
    Running fio random mixed R+W disk test with 4k block size...
    Running fio random mixed R+W disk test with 64k block size...
    Running fio random mixed R+W disk test with 512k block size...
    Running fio random mixed R+W disk test with 1m block size...
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
    Read       | 5.04 MB/s     (1.2k) | 70.76 MB/s    (1.1k)
    Write      | 5.06 MB/s     (1.2k) | 71.14 MB/s    (1.1k)
    Total      | 10.11 MB/s    (2.5k) | 141.90 MB/s   (2.2k)
               |                      |                     
    Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
    Read       | 100.52 MB/s    (196) | 114.48 MB/s    (111)
    Write      | 105.86 MB/s    (206) | 122.10 MB/s    (119)
    Total      | 206.38 MB/s    (402) | 236.59 MB/s    (230)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
    -----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 recv test from Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 417 Mbits/sec   | 293 Mbits/sec   | 468 ms         
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 send test to Scaleway (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 recv test from Scaleway (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 recv test from Scaleway (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 recv test from Scaleway (Attempt #3 of 3)...
    Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 403 Mbits/sec   | 163 Mbits/sec   | 143 ms         
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 send test to NovoServe (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 recv test from NovoServe (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 recv test from NovoServe (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 405 Mbits/sec   | 571 Mbits/sec   | 475 ms         
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 send test to Uztelecom (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 recv test from Uztelecom (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 recv test from Uztelecom (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 recv test from Uztelecom (Attempt #3 of 3)...
    Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 297 Mbits/sec   | 178 Mbits/sec   | 564 ms         
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 recv test from Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 471 Mbits/sec   | 443 Mbits/sec   | 404 ms         
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 recv test from Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 473 Mbits/sec   | 485 Mbits/sec   | 408 ms         
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #3 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 recv test from Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv4 iperf3 recv test from Clouvider (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | busy            | 808 Mbits/sec   | 374 ms         
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
    Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
    -----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #3 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from Clouvider (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from Clouvider (Attempt #3 of 3)...
    Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | busy            | busy            | 468 ms         
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Scaleway (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Scaleway (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Scaleway (Attempt #3 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from Scaleway (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from Scaleway (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from Scaleway (Attempt #3 of 3)...
    Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | busy            | 476 ms         
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to NovoServe (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to NovoServe (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to NovoServe (Attempt #3 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from NovoServe (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from NovoServe (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from NovoServe (Attempt #3 of 3)...
    NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | busy            | busy            | 475 ms         
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Uztelecom (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Uztelecom (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Uztelecom (Attempt #3 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from Uztelecom (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | busy            | 72.2 Mbits/sec  | 564 ms         
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #3 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from Clouvider (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | busy            | 88.2 Mbits/sec  | 403 ms         
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #3 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | busy            | 113 Mbits/sec   | 406 ms         
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #2 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 send test to Clouvider (Attempt #3 of 3)...
    Performing IPv6 iperf3 recv test from Clouvider (Attempt #1 of 3)...
    Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | busy            | 171 Mbits/sec   | 374 ms         
    Running GB5 benchmark test... *cue elevator music*
    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value                         
    Single Core     | 515                           
    Multi Core      | 501                           
    Full Test       | https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/21425523
    Running GB6 benchmark test... *cue elevator music*
    Geekbench test failed and low memory was detected. Add at least 1GB of SWAP or use GB4 instead (higher compatibility with low memory systems).
    YABS completed in 41 min 56 sec


    2023/07/07 12:54:26 项目地址:github.com/zhanghanyun/backtrace
    2023/07/07 12:54:26 正在测试三网回程路由...
    2023/07/07 12:54:27 北京电信  测试超时
    2023/07/07 12:54:27 北京联通    联通4837[普通线路]           
    2023/07/07 12:54:27 北京移动 移动CMI [普通线路]           
    2023/07/07 12:54:27 上海电信  电信163 [普通线路]           
    2023/07/07 12:54:27 上海联通     联通4837[普通线路]           
    2023/07/07 12:54:27 上海移动 移动CMI [普通线路]           
    2023/07/07 12:54:27 广州电信   测试超时
    2023/07/07 12:54:27 广州联通    联通4837[普通线路]           
    2023/07/07 12:54:27 广州移动  移动CMI [普通线路]           
    2023/07/07 12:54:27 成都电信     电信163 [普通线路]           
    2023/07/07 12:54:27 成都联通       联通4837[普通线路]           
    2023/07/07 12:54:27 成都移动  移动CMI [普通线路]           


    ** 正在测试IPv4解锁情况 
    ** 您的网络为: Multacom Corporation (*.*.*.*) 
    ============[ Multination ]============
     Dazn:					No
     HotStar:				No
     Disney+:				No
     Netflix:				Originals Only
     YouTube Premium:			Yes
     Amazon Prime Video:			Yes (Region: US)
     TVBAnywhere+:				Yes
     iQyi Oversea Region:			US
     Viu.com:				No
     YouTube CDN:				Los Angeles, CA 
     Netflix Preferred CDN:			Los Angeles, CA  
     Spotify Registration:			No
     Steam Currency:			USD
     ChatGPT:				Yes
    ** 正在测试IPv6解锁情况 
    ** 您的网络为: Hurricane Electric (2600:*:*:*:*) 
    ============[ Multination ]============
     Dazn:					Failed (Network Connection)
     HotStar:				Yes (Region: US)
     Disney+:				Yes (Region: US)
     Netflix:				Yes (Region: US)
     YouTube Premium:			No  (Region: CN) 
     Amazon Prime Video:			Unsupported
     TVBAnywhere+:				Failed (Network Connection)
     iQyi Oversea Region:			Failed
     Viu.com:				Failed
     YouTube CDN:				Hamburg 
     Netflix Preferred CDN:			San Jose, CA  
     Spotify Registration:			No
     Steam Currency:			Failed (Network Connection)
     ChatGPT:				Yes
  • 輸出結果給個 example

  • xhj003

  • 论坛越来越越好 xhj003

  • 正在测试




