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CheapKVM.net |Buy 1GB RAM NATVPS in just 6.99$ Yearly

Buy OVZ NAT VPS In Frankfurt, Germany in just 7$/Year Recurring Deal

Looking for a reliable and affordable VPS? Look no further! Our exclusive CheapKVM VPS is now available for just $6.99/Year!. . Don't miss out on this limited time offer!!!

CPU: 1 CPU vCores (Fair Usage) (AMD EPYC 9534)
RAM: 1024MB DDR3/DDR4 
Disk: 5 Gb NVME Disk Space
NAT IPv4 (20 usable ports)
OVZ Virtualization
TUN/TAP enabled
Dedicated IPV6 

Order **Frankfurt, Germany $6.99 / Year **">Order ++1TB BW @ 10Gbps

Test IP/Looking Glass

**No abuse of resources or any kind of abuse. Fair usage on CPU. The rule of thumb is, if it's illegal, attract DDoS, then it's NOT okay! Abusers will be terminated without notice or refund.

Payment Method : We Accept: Crypto(via Ticket) Debit/Credit Card, PayPal,Bank Transfer (Transferwise,Local),Easypaisa,JazzCash
Terms of Service/AUP : https://khanwebhost.com/tos.php
Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/hfMuNwv
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/khanwebhost

  • xhj003


  • Egypt when?
    btw, the testing ip of taiwan is doomed

  • Sir,are there any Nat VPS discounts in the UK,Germany,and Japan?

  • @ak_kwh #5 The cheapest one. xhj010

  • bd

  • @Flagship #6

    CPU: 1 CPU vCores (Fair Usage) (AMD EPYC 9534)
    RAM: 256MB DDR3/DDR4
    Disk: 5 Gb NVME Disk Space
    NAT IPv4 (20 usable ports)
    OVZ Virtualization
    TUN/TAP enabled
    Dedicated IPV6

    UK,Germany and Japan
    14.5$ i can do for these specs and for 1GB RAM i can do 24$ (UK NAT VPS comes WIth KVM virtualization and DE&JP comes with OVZ)




